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On this day let us remind ourselves of our Humanity. In these times of Chaos where the World is being torn apart by hatred and War and innocent blood is being spilt across the globe.

Where people are being forced out of their Motherland and have no place they can call their own. A World where we see that people are being persecuted just for who they are and are struggling for their bare existence.

Let us remind ourselves that we are Humans above all. Let us cast aside these feelings of hatred, bitterness and racial intolerance. Let us break down these walls of territorial indifference and acknowledge that we all being members of this glorious race called Mankind are in fact Brethren in a broad sense. Only when we accept each other, respect each other and help each other to flourish can we achieve true Peace in the World as well as from the inside.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness

Only Light can do that

Hate cannot drive out hate

Only Love can do that”

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